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“在我的狗 Angus 开始表现出反应性行为后,我找到了 Jey。安格斯参加了为期三周的寄宿和训练课程,这让世界大不相同。 Jey 对动物的热情、知识和专业知识使她成为这份工作的合适人选。她给了安格斯和我正确的工具,以确保我有信心在家里继续他的训练,同时仍然确保安格斯和我过上充实的生活。”

- Charlee P.(安格斯的妈妈)


“我很幸运能够与 Emerald Dog Training 合作。通过收养我的狗的救援,我与主人 Jey 建立了联系。 Jey 给了我很多机会让我加入他们参加他的培训课程,并且在我有任何问题时继续成为支持的支柱。我曾经并且仍然对她所做的工作印象深刻。建立她所拥有的技能和沟通需要时间和奉献精神。我经常被告知 Panda 有多好,如果没有 Jeys 的知识和经验,这一切就不会发生。我非常感激并告诉几乎所有人关于 Emerald Dog Training 的信息。 10 outta 10 会再做一次!” - Vanessa S.(熊猫人)

“首先,我想说 Jey 与我们的 95 磅皮带攻击性 Great Pyrenees-mix 的合作同样出色(我尝试了其他培训师)!她的培训方法不仅改变了我们狗的生活质量,而且改变了我整个家庭的质量Marlo,现年 3 岁,开始了她的流浪生活,多次返回收容所,这只会导致她出现更多的行为问题和不安全感。在 Jey 干预之前,Marlo 的情况越来越糟,她开始向我拖着移动的半挂车、其他狗和鸟,同时神经质地吠叫/咆哮。有一天,她能够把我从脚上拉下来,拖着我穿过街道,沿着人行道,上某人的车道,然后到他们的门口只是为了让另一只狗趴在我的肚子上。那时我非常害怕带她出去,所以联系杰伊作为最后的希望。我很紧张,因为我已经投资了另一位训练师,我开始相信她行为永远无法逆转sed,但是男孩是我错了。我们为 Marlo 签下了为期 3 周的董事会和培训,这是最接近奇迹的事情。 Jey 定期给我更新,这样我就可以跟踪 Marlo 的进度。现在 Marlo 是甜蜜的家,我终于不用害怕成为她的经纪人了。今天晚上我带她去市中心,这是我们从未做过的事情,我们遇到了其他狗和卡车,她让我感到非常自豪!最重要的是,雇用 JEY!


PS 这对你和狗来说都是一个学习过程,所以不要认为你不需要付出任何努力。”

- Alexia P.(Marlo 的妈妈)


“Tino 是一只反应性很强的小狗。在我来找 Jey 进行干预之前,Tino 的世界正在缩小,因为他在其他狗身边不可信,即使是用皮带拴着也是如此。Jey 给了我扭转局面的工具和知识。她是一位才华横溢的训练师,他具有分解人类和狗行为的独特技能,使我能够真正理解服从训练背后的“原因”。当我深入了解蒂诺的大脑并通过他的眼睛看世界时,我们最大的突破就发生了.我了解得越多,我就越能将 Jey 的课程推广到我们的日常生活中,积累小的胜利,加深我与 Tino 的关系并拓宽他的世界。我强烈推荐 Jey 给任何训犬师,尤其是那些反应迟钝的狗。” - Erica P.(Tino 的妈妈)   


“我们(我的狗 Louie 和我)喜欢 Jey。从第一天起,Louie 就认为 Jey 是一个自信的族群领袖,我对 Jey 每天更新 Louie 进步的短信感到很欣慰。我的狗开始走上激进的道路,所以我签了名他为寄宿和六节私人课程。值得每一美元,因为 Jey 帮助我成为更好的领导者,训练 Louie 高级基础知识(坐下,脚跟等,但持续时间更长,注意力更集中)并且仍然定期检查。一千感谢 Emerald Dog Training。” Lani K.(路易的妈妈)


“Jey 立刻意识到 Olie 需要什么来训练,她是对的。他现在和我一样快乐得多。我们很幸运能找到她,并会把她推荐给任何人。” Bill C.(奥利的父亲)

“与 Jey 一起工作改变了我和我丈夫的生活!我们在 2020 年 11 月收养了一只紧张而恐惧的狗 Eve,在她和我丈夫的关系、如何处理某些行为以及让她进食方面遇到了麻烦.我们之前曾与其他一些培训师合作过,但没有看到任何进展,而且可能使事情变得更糟。然后我们被推荐给 Jey,并与 Eve 进行了为期 2 周的董事会和培训。Jey 每天都让我们了解她和 Eve 的进展情况,并且甚至给我们发了视频。当 Eve 回到家时,她更加自信,并且学会了一些基本训练,她现在真的可以吃饭了!当 Eve 在某些情况下开始恐慌和给了我们建立她的基石。有了 Jey 的建议和工具,我丈夫和 Eve 已经能够从头开始重建他们的关系,并且她开始在他身边表现得更加放松。当我们有问题/疑虑时关于培训或行为 Jey 总是愿意给我们快速打电话并提供指导。 Eve 仍然需要很多时间和工作,但我们知道,如果有任何事情发生,我们有 Jey 作为资源!我们强烈推荐她给任何人!”Amber S.(Eve 的妈妈)


“关于杰伊,我有很多话要说,但这里是快速版本!我们有一只野生柯基犬 (Gus),它不懈地拉着皮带,咬着,然后在客人身上跳来跳去。他疯了。在董事会和与 Jey 一起训练,他在 3 周内完成了完美的回忆(当我说来的时候他会来),不再跳到客人身上,可以完美地行走(即使我使用轮椅)并且从不拉他的皮带。Gus 也学到了一个叫做“地方”的命令,他呆在他的狗床上并保持完美。而且他现在不吃鞋子、袜子或咬人,所以我们不能快乐。我们爱 Jey,她让我们的 Gus 变成了一只梦想中的狗。你绝对不会后悔和 Jey 一起工作,她是最棒的。” Olivia C.(格斯的妈妈)

“我准备把我的英国斗牛犬 Jasper 交还给饲养员。我没有时间和精力去训练这样一个任性、固执的男孩。Jey 是我最后的希望。她没有让我们失望。Jasper 是所以我们现在表现得就像白天和黑夜一样。我强烈推荐杰伊。她的方法很有效,如果我有另一只顽固的狗,我会毫不犹豫地再次使用她的服务。谢谢杰伊。” Valarie W.(贾斯珀的妈妈)


“杰伊通过训练我的狗使用跑步机为我付出了额外的努力,杰伊不得不训练我的狗永远不要弓步,因为我的左腿在脚踝处骨折,所以我没有很好的平衡。这是完成的加上很多其他方法可以帮助我更多地享受我的爱犬。我强烈推荐 Emerald Dog Training。我的目标已经达到甚至超过了。” - Peggy M.(金杰的妈妈)


“Jey 太棒了!我们的德国牧羊犬混种小狗变得失控了。好斗、恐惧、令人讨厌。和 Jey 在一起 3 周,他是一个新的“男人”。很高兴和他一起走路,毫无焦虑地走进一个场地. Jey 是我们的教练,应该是你的。 Dan 和 Noelle P.(Archie 的人)


“Jey 绝对是一位出色的驯狗师。我是众多在我家添加了一只‘流行病小狗’的人之一,他不仅没有得到他需要的社交,而且这个可怜的家伙在当地的狗训练中经历了非常糟糕的经历公园造成了一些基于恐惧的行为问题,但让像散步这样简单的事情对我们俩来说都非常非常有压力;不断拉扯,一夜之间对一切合法的事情感到恐惧。虽然他想出去散步,但他立即渴望完成它对每一件小事都会感到吃惊。这些年来我养育和训练了许多狗(包括一只 2020 年初过世的大丹犬 - 因此是新的小狗)但这是新领域,我需要帮助。Jey 来救援!Jey过去和现在都很棒!!她知道她的品种,她的方法很有效。你所要做的就是相信这个过程,并了解你和你的狗都有学习和工作要做。Jey 会给你和你的狗你所有的工具需要,你只需要学习、倾听、做和重复。C你和我继续重申 Jey 奠定的培训基础,我向任何犹豫不决的人强烈推荐她、她的方法和她的计划。” Sarah D.(Cy 的妈妈)

“当我们第一次把可爱的小狗带回家时,我们立刻就爱上了它。它完成了我们的家庭。我们勤奋地带它去参加服从课程,虔诚地练习它的新命令。尽管如此,作为第一次养狗的人,我们努力引导我们的小狗任性的本性和遏制他顽皮的小狗咬人。当我们被转介给杰伊时,我们感谢她花时间回答我们的许多问题和疑虑,以及她所拥有的自信和严肃的狗训练哲学。我们做了为期 3 周的食宿和训练,这对我们的小狗来说是一次变革性的经历。它为我们的家庭(包括小狗!)提供了茁壮成长所需的工具和基础!” - Karen K.(皮平的妈妈)

“Jey 真的很棒!她喜欢狗,这体现在她对我可爱的小狗 Chewie 的训练和反应上。我强烈推荐 Jey 训练小狗他们急需的礼貌和尊重。- Karen K.(Chewy 的妈妈)”

"Jey at Emerald Dog Training was a gift from the universe and the best investment we have made for our family to date. No joke. We loved our Australian Labradoodle puppy from the start but really struggled with managing his behavior. He is naturally bossy, needy and has strong FOMO (fear of missing out) which can be challending for a family that includes a young child. We took several training courses with other companies and while we would see a bit of improvement here and there, it was not cutting it. At 14 months old, we knew we needed to call on a solid trainer and training program to ensure our family AND family dog were happy and thriving under the same roof.

Our Tucker did the 21 day program (we lovingly called it "Puppy Bootcamp"). We got to visit him 1/week and were able to be trained as well to ensure a smooth and succesful transition back home. Tucker returned home a HUGE SUCCESS STORY! He still has his sweet, curious and loving mannerisms but with structure. He is very quick to drop anything in his mouth with an "OUT" and will even offer a sit. This was a focus area for us as he had the ability to resource guard odd, non-food items. Jey helped us discover that tug is his "love language" (he will do anything if tug is the reward or next activity). This has been a great help for a non-food motivated dog. And he also has learned that our youngest child is not his litter mate. Tucker now knows how to "play" safely with our son - a HUGE WIN. Honestly, I can go on and on with how happy we are. If you are on the fence, I encourage going for it. Invest in your future and the life of your family and dog. No regrets will be had." - Sarah H. (Tucker's mom)

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"I was initially hesitant about agreeing to an board-and-train situation for my DeeJay, out of an unfounded concern that he would learn follow instructions from someone other than me.


This was so far from the experience! Given that DeeJay was a rescue with no formal training in his first 13 mos, it was so surprising to see his progress working with Jey in just two weeks. When we got together for my first leasson, so I could learn what DeeJay had learned, he was 180 degrees different on his end of the lead than before his lesson began.


Jey at Emerald was able to cut through all the noise you experience when you try to watch and read dog training guidance online. The lessons I received completely destroyed some myths I was holding onto about how dogs learn, and how much or little of what I say and do matters to DeeJay.


Now that DeeJay is home, and we continue putting the lessons we've learned into our daily routine - both around the house, and out on walks - he is clearly more confident in what I expect, and my arms, shoulders, back and neck are no longer sore from his previous habit of straining at the lead.


Just today (Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023) on a walk, we came upon two Spaniels on leads with their people, and it was all they could do to keep their dogs settled, quiet, and in control as DeeJay and I walked by, smiled and bid them a "good afternoon." When DeeJay's head turned in the direction of the growling dogs, a softly spoken "heel" snapped his focus back to the direction we were walking - for which he was well rewarded with praise." - Cary L. (Deejay's dad)

"Jey has been life-changing for our dog and our family! We have always loved our dog, Obi, and his goofiness. However, he didn't always show his loving demeanor as a pandemic puppy. He was often hesitant and fearful of new people, which presented us with challenging situations related to re-entering society during Covid-19 and life changes in our family requiring less aggression and more exposure to new people.


Emerald Dog Training is one of the best investments we have made, and we feel like we are enjoying our dog's personality more and having so much fun with his training, thanks to Jey's consistency and trust-building. We did the board and train services for three weeks and appreciated Jey's consistent and detailed updates. Our weekly meetings provided a smooth transition to begin to practice and implement training with Obi on a realistic timeline.


Walks with Obi are so much fun now, and though every day is a continuing practice, we feel well-equipped with the tools and knowledge we need to continue helping Obi with his anxiety and fears. All of this to say, what started as a tense introduction for Obi (he definitely showed some hesitancy in the beginning!), has now resulted in his calm and happy demeanor, especially when Jey is around. :-)


It has been reassuring to have Jey's help and advice throughout this process, as they have always been responsive, detailed, and consistent with Obi's training and communication with us.


If you are feeling hesitant, don't be! We are so grateful every day and excited to have met Jey and used Emerald Dog Training services for our pup." - Alejandra V. (Obi's mom)

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"I recently adopted an older a dog with some surprise unwanted behaviors. Despite having dog experience and searching the “end of the Internet” for all the training advice I could find, I was still struggling and finally admitted I was not beat equipped to help my new dogbe successful on my own. I needed an in-person expert!


I’m so grateful we found Jey with Emerald DogTraining as she was able to help us set up a good training plan and gave fantastic feedback during our lessons that matched my dogsspecific issues to my abilities. Jey has given us both more confidence! I now have a whole new set of tools and skills that I can consistently use so my dog and I can be successful members of public society. We focused on appropriate & kind use of e-collar and prong for a loose leash walk and heel while ignoring distractions like other dogs and people either out in public or at my home.


Jey has made all the difference and allowed me to #1 keep my dog and others safe #2 have more fun with less stress so we can do more doggie activities I didn’t think were initially possible with my reactive pup. Now I’m not alone and have someone who understands us and is able offer custom support and advice." - Jessica A. (Panzer's mom)

"For our stubborn Corgi, Katsuki, it was like a night and day difference. After working with Jey, he came back with so many new skills! He learned so much with them, and has they have continued to help us work with him. Jey is reliable, knowledgable in all things dog training and, overall just a delightful person to work with. Cannot recommend them enough!" - Valdemar S. (Katsuki's dad)

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"I run a dog rescue, primarily working with displaced dobermans who often are surrendered with some sort of behavioral issue. I originally met Jey at a dog sports seminar and we got to talking since she owned a doberman herself. Shortly after, a dog came into rescue named Crown who was immediately given up on by his original foster for leash reactivity to anything with wheels (cars, skateboards, bikes, motorcycles, scooters)! After realizing the severity, I knew that Crown would not be suitable in most foster homes, as well as adoptive homes given his fears/reactivity.


Crown went into a board and train with Jey who was super communicative with us along the way. She shared photos and videos and shortly after we get a video of Crown at a skate park! Bikes, skateboards and everything wheeling by with zero issue from Crown. This was a HUGE turnaround and by the time his board and train was over, she worked with his adopters to ensure they were educated on how to properly handle him and continue setting him up for success.


I then used Jey for my personal dog for obedience for private lessons. A little different than a board and train but my experience with her was just as top-notch as the previous experience with our foster. The way she communicates and tailors your dog's needs to EXACTLY what you want to address really set her apart from my other experiences with professional dog trainers.


Coming from someone who has done a board and train with a foster dog and private lessons with my personal dog, Jey @ Emerald Dog Training is an amazing trainer to have in your corner and set you and your dog up for great success." - Melani W. (Red's mom and President of The Doberman Rescue Pack

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